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Danae Shanti

In 1987 Danae had a life altering awakening, changing her life path from an Executive Director of a Chamber of Commerce to a Spiritual Midwife and Intuitive. What awoke in her was the ability to have a “living conversation” with her Spirit, or the Divine Intelligence within. Danae turned to this Guidance for insights on everything. She received clear answers and direction. She was shown how to teach people to open this conversation within for themselves and to deeply trust their own Guidance or Intuition. It is these manifestations of Intuition that have propelled Danae to teach thousands worldwide the art of listening to and following the guidance from their natural Intuition and Divine Intelligence to live their best lives.

Danae gives the name of God-Spark to this Divine Guiding Intelligence. Sometimes people also connect with their own “spirit team” who helps to guide them along. Danae works with her spiritual guides whose name is THEA.


peaceful set of lit candles

Spiritual Midwife

Motivational Speaker

Years of Experience
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I first experienced the art of Intuition in 1987, and have been sharing it with others ever since!

Happy Clients
0 +

I’ve guided thousands of individuals to their own personal happiness and purpose.

Programs & Trainings

This includes intuition courses as well as meditations and videos. 

What Others Say
About Me

Hear how others have benefited from an increase in self-identity and confidence

Finally, I was given instruction on how to deepen my spirituality and be open to ascension. I’m excited by the possibilities THEA has shared with me.

Personal Growth

“The Act of Power” ceremony I just experienced with Danae Shanti, was a life-changer. A sweeping, profound experience, landing me in more peace and purpose than I’ve ever known. It was literally a celebration of the life I have been gifted with on this earth. It also left me with a road map to manifest the life of my dreams. I am eternally grateful!
Tiffany Omeara

Stay grounded

In a time of great personal upheaval and of course great global stresses I have gained much practical wisdom from Danae and THEA, the grounding meditation has taken me from a frantic feeling to a way to be calm and collected. The self-love techniques have shown me a way to be with myself that I could not have imagined before THEA. The information shared is truly a blessing, especially at this time.
Annette Moore

Unlock connections

Danae rocked my world. I just had my session with her by phone due to Covid. I felt so connected by phone that when there was a pause I said "I would like to visually see you this is so powerful" and so we moved from just voice to FaceTime. The wisdom she had to share from THEA was beyond this physical planet. It felt like it was coming from a whole other dimension. I left with more awareness of where I get stuck and how to move forward.

find your path

I highly recommend a session with Danae and THEA. Before the session I was feeling lost and not sure what direction to take next in my career as well as in my personal relationships. THEA and Danae helped me understand the origin of my confusion by encouraging me to look deeply into my own energy and the energy of those around me. I’ve found I am much calmer and more focused since my sessions with Danae. I am deeply grateful for the guidance that I received.
Annette Jones

change relationships

I just had a session with Danae, and Thea gave me insights on my health, relationships and my role in ascension. I’m in my mid 50’s and I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time getting myself motivated to exercise just because it’s something I SHOULD do. I am fortunate to have healthy relationships with my wife, daughter and friends. And I have completely shifted how I am approaching my parenting role in regards to my daughter’s future career plans. Time will tell how this plays out, but I can see the shift in my approach has reduced my daughters stress level.

I am looking forward to another session with Danae.

accomplish impossible

Danae has made a tremendous amount of difference in my life by helping me with both chronic and very acute personal issues. 5 sessions ago I was a nervous wreck, with my life turned upside down in many ways. Danae helped me gain clarity and offered wonderful tools in helping to stay focused, present and and trusting in my higher self. And the miracles have followed including having a home offered to me (out of what seemed to be the blue) after realizing I had to move without having any where to go. She is a blessing and truly gifted. I can not say enough about how grateful I have been for her presence in my life! Thank you Danae!